Hi, my name is Allan
Shaw welcome to my store a safe place to shop. Below is a picture of my Certificate
of Registration of Business Name and me. The picture also has a
watermarks of my other web sites.  If you go to
www.redhotessentials.com you will see a list of my websites.Â
I have seen allot of web sites in my time surfing
the web and the things that most of them don't have is, a
face a persons name a street address and some a sense of
trustworthiness.  But just like offline business there are
few bad eggs making the good ones look bad.  The thing to
remember is most websites owners are honest people trying
to run a business online just like the offline
What I'm trying
to do by putting my Picture and Certificate of Registration of Business Name
on my site to give you the customer a face to my
business and offer a safe and secure place to shop.Â
is IMPORTANT do this simple test to check who owns the website
before you buy from it.  I hear you say how? It's simple just
click here or copy and paste
www.whois.domaintools.com.   Then copy and paste
the web address form the navigation toolbar in the search
toolbar of domaintools.com.  When you do this it will tell
you who owns the website this one is me Allan Shaw also do a
search on the website in the picture to make sure you are on
the right website.
If you have any complaints or concerns about my
business you can go to www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au to find out more
information or ring 13 13 04 and for International callers: +61 7
3405 0970 (+10 hours UTC). I have been in Business for 6 years
and have never had a complaint. The business name is
Red Hot EssentialsÂ
I hope that
this gives you some piece of
mind that this web site is safe. I am a not a
scammer who will take your money and leave you high and dry.Â
You can make more money having a real business than scamming